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2024-25 Intake information


We wish you a warm welcome and we are really excited about you joining our St. Simon’s family!

We are so looking forward to meeting you and starting to get to know you and your child. The start of school is a big step but is very exciting!  

We would urge you to use the coming months to help your child prepare for school, by supporting them to be able to do the following activities independently, where appropriate:

  • use the toilet, understand that pulling the flush and washing hands is important
  • hold a knife, fork and spoon properly and feed themselves
  • undress and dress themselves, including putting on shoes and doing up zips and buttons
  • understand and use the common polite social skills of “thank you, please and excuse me.”

In addition, the best thing that you can do to help give your child the best start to school is to read lots of stories with them. Talk about the stories and build a love of books – this will have an enormous benefit on all their future learning.

The other thing seems simple, but it too has a massive impact on the life successes for your child. Talk, talk, talk and listen, listen, listen to your child!  Ask them questions, explain what you are doing when you are pottering around the house and garden, sing with them and build up their language confidence. The more words that they hear and use, the better start to their learning they will have.

We hope you find this page useful as we will be updating this regularly with all of the information to equip you for a smooth transition into our Nursery and Reception classes.

If you require any further information, please contact our school office via email or call 0161 483 9696.

We will be holding a New Intake Meeting on Wednesday 26th June at 6pm. We will be in contact with further details soon.