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I am delighted to welcome you to St Simon’s

​Catholic Primary School. We are proud to be an inclusive school with a determination to provide excellent education for all the children in our care.

As a Catholic School, we place Christ at the very centre of our learning and we encourage children to STRIVE to be the very best that they can be; growing, learning and loving in a safe and secure way. In partnership between home, school, parish and community, we are dedicated to working together to develop children who achieve spiritually, academically, socially and emotionally. We encourage our pupils to try new things, to be creative, to be resilient and to constantly strive to improve, as whatever we do, we do for the glory of God.

Mrs Crisp

​Our hard working staff are devoted to the families of St Simon’s and relationships with our parents are positive and supportive. We have a strong pastoral link, enabling our families to work closely with school, achieving the best outcomes for all.

We value school improvement and are committed to providing the highest quality teaching possible to allow successful life long learning to take place. Together we celebrate the many successes of our school and invite you to come and witness them for yourself.

Please take some time to look at our website and contact the school if we can assist you further with your enquiries.

God bless