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Statement of Behaviour Principles

The Governors at St Simon's Catholic Primary School believe that high standards of behaviour lie at the heart of a successful school. Good behaviour enables pupils to make the best possible progress in all aspects of their school life. We value everyone as an individual, made in the image and likeness of Christ, capable of growth, change and development over time. Our relationships are underpinned by our STRIVE values: to be Spiritual, Trusted, Resilient, Inquisitive, Valued and Exceptional.


Staff and visitors set an excellent example to pupils at all times.

The behaviour policy is understood by pupils and staff and is applied consistently by all adults, to promote positive outcomes.

Relationships between school and home are positive, encouraging pupils to be the very best version of themselves that they can be.

In learning to take responsibility for their own actions, pupils are able to make more informed choices, leading to exemplary behaviour.

Visitors, pupils and staff are free from any form of discrimination.

Every pupil understands they have the right to feel safe, valued and respected, and learn, free from the disruption of others.



The governing board also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.

This written statement of behaviour principles is reviewed and approved by the full governing board every three years.